
  • Jul. 2024 7 papers accepted by CIKM'24 (3 Full Research Papers + 4 Applied Research Papers).
  • May 2024 1 paper accepted by KDD'24.
  • Mar. 2024 Former REU student Benjamin won the Third Place Award at the 2024 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM based on the project we worked on in the summer.
  • Mar. 2024 Introduced our work at the Micromobility 2.0 Workshop held at Rutgers University.
  • Jan. 2024 1 paper accepted by ICRA'24.
  • Jan. 2024 1 paper accepted by WWW'24.
  • Dec. 2023 Talk at NSF IoT Workshop.
  • Oct. 2023 Award: Best Paper Award of CIKM'23.
  • Aug. 2023 Grant: Project funded by NSF CISE-MSI (CPS).
  • Aug. 2023 5 papers accepted by CIKM'23.
  • Apr. 2023 Grant: Project funded by NSF CRII (CPS).
  • Mar. 2023 Invited talk at Wayne State University.
  • Mar. 2023 1 poster paper accepted by ICCPS'23.
  • Feb. 2023 Served as ICA3PP'23 IoT/CPS Track Chair.
  • Feb. 2023 2 papers accepted by ICDE'23.
  • Dec. 2022 Grant: Project funded by the Lehigh Accelerator Grant.
  • Dec. 2022 Grant: Project funded by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance (PITA) program.
  • Oct. 2022 Keynote at the 3rd Workshop on Data-driven Intelligent Transportation@CIKM.
  • Aug. 2022 1 paper about human mobility accepted by Nature Scientific Reports.
  • Aug. 2022 1 paper accepted by SIGSPATIAL'22.
  • Aug. 2022 1 paper accepted by CIKM'22.
  • Jul. 2022 We are organizing the 5th International Workshop on Combining Physical and Data-Driven Knowledge in Ubiquitous Computing (CPD 2022), co-located with UbiComp 2022. Welcome to join us.
  • May 2022 1 paper accepted by KDD'22.
  • Apr. 2022 1 paper accepted by ICDCS'22.
  • Feb. 2022 1 paper accepted by IMWUT/UbiComp.
  • Dec. 2021 Give an invited talk at Northeastern University, China.
  • Nov. 2021 Invited talk at CEWIT 2021.
  • Nov. 2021 1 paper accepted by IMWUT/UbiComp.
  • Oct. 2021 Another paper about on-demand gig delivery accepted by ICDE'22.
  • Jul. 2021 2 papers accepted by IMWUT/UbiComp.
  • Jul. 2021 1 paper accepted by ToN.
  • May 2021 Served as ICPADS Track Co-Chair.
  • May 2021 1 paper accepted by SIGKDD‘21.
  • May 2021 1 paper accepted by SIGCOMM‘21.
  • Jan. 2021 Visiting MIT Media Lab hosted by Prof. Alex 'Sandy' Pentland.
  • Nov. 2020 1 paper accepted by TMC.
  • Sep. 2020 Award: Received UbiComp Audience Award.
  • Aug. 2020 Received Student Registration Award from KDD'20.
  • Aug. 2020 1 paper accepted by MobiCom' 20.
  • Jul. 2020 1 paper accepted by NSDI' 21.
  • Jun. 2020 1 paper accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp 2020).
  • Jan. 2020 A new paper will appear at ACM IMWUT (UbiComp 2020).
  • Jun. 2019 Visiting Alibaba Group, Local Service BU hosted by Prof. Tian He.
  • Apr. 2019 Cheers! Passed my qualifying exam!
  • Apr. 2019 A new paper accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp 2019).
  • Oct. 2018 Our paper accepted by ACM MobiCom 2019.
  • Oct. 2018 Our paper accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp 2019).
  • Jan. 2018 Our paper accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp 2018).
  • May. 2017 Our paper accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp 2017).